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“M. Tyler” Ltd. started its activity in January 2006.
In August 2015, “M.Tyler” EOOD becomes the exclusive representative for Sofia and Sofia area to Daga 2000.
In 2022 "M.Tyler" has his own brand "HUNDRED PERCENT", working only with Bulgarian manufacturers for quality products!
The mission of the company is to satisfy the needs of sweet, tasty and desired healthy products for young and old.
A sweet temptation or a daily healthy solution – the choice is yours! M. Tyler EOOD is a modern and developing company, betting on win-win relationships with its partners and customers. The company's goals are:
* Long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation;
* High professional development;
* Quality services and care for customers and partners;
* Excellent ratio between price and quality of the offered products.
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For orders over BGN 50 for Sofia
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Contact Us:
email: [email protected]
facebook: M.Tyler LTD